Update given existing product pricing rules.
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Important things to note:
1. Excel strips out the zero ‘0’ in front of a number so be careful.
If the Price Level id is ’01’ it should be ’01’.
2. Make sure you don’t have hidden rows.
The page counts and tells you the exact number of the rows, if you think its more than what you uploaded then its most likely to contain hidden rows.
Video Instruction: Click Here
Click to Download CSV Template
Important things to note:
1. Excel strips out the zero ‘0’ in front of a number so be careful.
If the Price Level id is ’01’ it should be ’01’.
2. Make sure you don’t have hidden rows.
The page counts and tells you the exact number of the rows, if you think its more than what you uploaded then its most likely to contain hidden rows.
Video Instruction: Click Here